The Signs of Alcoholism – Help for Alcoholics Q&A #001

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What are the Signs of Alcoholism – Help for Alcoholics Q&A #001 – Help with Alcohol Addiction. A Question from a concerned Subscriber
There are many signs of alcoholism and not all are known but there is a sure thing that you can tell when someone is becoming an alcoholic you can see it in their eyes. ➜ Subscribe Hi there, please could you help me. My question is – What are the main warning signs of alcoholism and alcohol addiction, please can you explain from your point of view. (from someone who has been there) I have heard it many times from doctors and so called alcohol professionals, but is there any useful things that you can add from your personal experience of being alcohol dependent.

I’m trying to help my husband and maybe if he hears it from someone who has been there, it might change his thinking. I’m just hoping it might strike a chord with him, Hope you can Help – Thanks Mrs K
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Help for Alcoholics Q&A #001
The Signs of Alcoholism – The Signs of Alcohol Addiction – Am I turning into an Alcoholic.

I have compiled a list – The Signs of alcoholism
1. 1:13 Do You find it hard to stop drinking once you have started.
2. 1:47 Do you drink everyday.
3. 2:48 Do you feel guilty all the time after drinking
4. 5:05 Are you able to consume large amounts of alcohol and still look and act relatively sober.
5. 8:48 Are you able to drink lots on a night and go to work no problem.
6. 12:04 When people talk to you about abstaining from drinking or taking a few nights off, does it upset you.
7. 13:26 Are you lying all the time.
8. 16:26 Would my life be better if I didn’t drink.
9. 17:52 Are you arguing all the time are you irritable all the time.
10. 20:32 Are you planning your drinks in advance.
11. 24:00 Are you sitting at home drinking alone.
12. 26:56 Do you feel like you are ill all the time.
13. 28:00 Are you always talking about quitting drinking.
14. 28:43 Has alcohol become your No.1 priority.
15. 31:38 Do you know where you can buy alcohol from 24/7.
16. 33:23 Always Having vision’s of grandeur and thinking you can do things above your station or pay grade.
17. 34:19 You are reluctant to go out, you always want to stay at home.

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