Do you think it’s wrong to drink every day even if it’s not causing problems and you truly enjoy it?
Alcohol use disorder is not defined by how much or how often you drink. It’s when you want to drink less than you do and have a hard time sticking to your goals.
Twenty years ago, we were told a glass of wine every evening is good for heart health. While the Canadian government recently updated their guidelines to say no amount of alcohol is safe, the United States still says it’s fine for women to have one drink per day.
In this episode, I explain the pros and cons of using science to evaluate the health of your drinking habits. And why the shame, fear and guilt you experience when there’s a mismatch can cause more harm than good.
You’ll walk away from this episode with a clear understanding of how labeling your behavior as “good” or “bad” or “right” or “wrong” disconnects you from the truth of your felt experience and can actually block you from acting in your own best interest. I’ll make the case that the only rule you need to follow is your own intuition.
—Click here to BOOK A DISCOVERY CALL ( if you’re ready to fully commit to your personal growth and do the work to get emotionally sober. Side effects include an 80 percent reduction in drinking. You’ll walk away from our call with a clear understanding of how to get the skills you need to transform your life.
—NEW! Colleen’s doing Q&A episodes! Do you want help from Colleen with a situation you’re struggling with? Click here ( to submit your question. Your name will not be mentioned on air!
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—Click here to TAKE THE QUIZ ( Do you have a drinking problem or a thinking problem?
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