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Bob Earll (AA, ACA, ACoA) of Hollywood, Redondo Beach, Los Angeles, Santa Fe (1935-2018)
Bob was a funny and controversial speaker. His language was a bit rough at times, although by today’s TV standards probably closer to the norm. He spoke his truth as he knew it. Bob had a rough childhood, including being expelled from school in the 10th grade, incarceration, and alcoholism and drug addiction. He got sober and clean in Los Angeles in 1962 and became a highly popular recovery circuit speaker throughout the 1970s, 80s, and 90s. Bob focused on healing the whole person, not just stopping drinking/using. Many people credit Bob for having a major impact in their recovery from the disease of addiction. Bob was a script writer with many TV shows to his credit. Bob also authored a few books and a book has been published about his life, they can be found on Amazon.

Adult Children of Alcoholics & Dysfunctional Families is known as ACA or ACoA. They both identify the same autonomous Twelve Step fellowship. Al-Anon meetings with an adult child focus are not ACA groups. Some Al-Anon meetings are known as ACAP or Al-Anon ACoA, but they do not use ACA literature. ACoA cooperates with Al-Anon and all Twelve Step programs, but ACA meetings use ACA literature. For more information on ACA/ACoA please refer to the Adult Children of Alcoholics & Dysfunctional Families website.
Addiction treatment WORKS! The Twelve Step Model has been utilized as a treatment for alcohol abuse and alcoholism since 1935. It is extremely important to know that help IS out there and addiction recovery is possible. If you are battling alcoholism, drug addiction, addiction or any other form of addictive behavior, there are people who know EXACTLY what it is like! You can find out more at: – Alcoholics Anonymous Official Site – As should be blatantly obvious, we are in no way affiliated with them or any other Twelve Step Program. We are just looking to provide hope to those suffering from alcoholism or addiction. It is important to note there are several ways for one to address his or her alcohol abuse treatment. Substance abuse is a very serious condition and has become an epidemic in today’s world. Many people suffering with substance abuse need treatment, such as inpatient stays, rehab, or counseling. The importance and purpose of this video, and all our other videos, is to show that recovery IS possible and to give hope to those who are struggling with alcohol and drug addiction issues. Help IS out there! Every tape is carefully selected to ensure its quality and that it is entertaining to listen to. You can trust Encore Audio Archives 12-Step Recovery Media to be synonymous with the best online recovery material out there. QUALITY is our mission. This is why we have such a large and engaged following. Have fun and enjoy listening to the amazing, wonderful, and powerful recovery speakers! Be sure to visit our website:


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