Vapshot mini alcohol vaporizing system

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Vapshot mini alcohol vaporizing system.

What if there was a brand new way to enjoy your favorite alcoholic beverages that’ll get the party started faster and won’t slow you down?

Something new, trendy and sciency…yeah, we just made up that word.

Introducing Vapshot vaporized spirits.

That’s right, you’ve probably heard about it all over the news and now you can enjoy vaporized alcohol anytime at home or at one of your awesome parties.

Vapshot mini is designed to vaporize alcohol, which you can inhale with a straw.

It hits you instantly and kick starts your buzz!

Vapshot mini is simple to set up and use.

Just remove the top cover, fill it with your favorite liquor, replace the cover and you’re ready to go.

To serve, simple push the injector into the Vapshot bottle, press the button on top and count to 20

Now you have a Vapshot ready to go!

Twist to pop the top and you’ve got yourself a vaporized drink that’s going to rock your world.

Vapshot mini is fast, fun and versatile. You can create a vapor only shot

or pour a shot of liquor into the serving bottle and then add the vapor shot

or even a pour a full mix drink in and then the vapor shot.
Constructed of the highest quality materials, Vapshot mini comes in two versions, white and stainless steel.

No matter which you choose, Vapshot mini is bound to be the hit at all your parties!

Vapshot is the only laboratory tested product for vaporizing alcohol. Using information published by OSHA, one of the most respected agencies for safety, Vapshot is well within the acceptable levels for inhaling ethyl alcohol.

Vapshot mini is small and portable so it’s is ready to hit the road when you are. Use it by your pool, on your boat or even when you’re camping. Vapshot mini will get your party started anytime, anywhere … instantly, so check out the future of adult beverages today.

Vapshot mini, catch the buzz and inhale responsibly…


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