Alcohol Addiction is being Fuelled by The Marketing

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Alcohol Addiction Fuelled by The Marketing

Alcohol continues to get away with murder… what has long since been banned for all similar dangerous products remains fair game for booze.

Cigarettes were promoted in an equally abhorrent manner until the world woke up to just how damaging they are for health and society in general. The tobacco industry had the Gaul to not only refuse to accept that cigarette smoking caused cancer and a long list of other terrible diseases but they also produced misleading television, radio and press advertisements that hinted that cigarettes enhanced health and life in general.

Towards the back end of the last century the worm started to turn. The United States introduced warning labels on cigarette packages, while this was well intentioned the result was people smoked even more than before. It seems illogical, but when presented with a warning that the thing they were about to do could lead them to an untimely and agonizing death, smokers smoked more! The reason for this is actually simple. Of course smokers did not want to develop lung cancer, in fact for many it is their worst nightmare. Smokers are not stupid nor are they living with their head buried in the sand like an ostrich. They know that cigarettes are extremely harmful and subconsciously they are very concerned about using them. But all the warnings did was make smokers feel stressed out.

And what do smokers turn to when they feel stressed?

Yes, that’s right a cigarette.

The tobacco industry made noises about being ‘very unhappy’ at the warning labels but they soon went quiet when they realized that sales were not declining, actually they were making bumper profits.

The legislation that really made an impact on the tobacco giants was the ruling in the United States that for every thirty seconds of television time taking up by cigarette companies the TV networks had to give equal time to anti smoking commercials. These advertisements were well made and endorsed by huge celebrities of the time. For the first time the tobacco companies started to notice a decline in sales. They had to find a way to stop these damaging commercials from reaching the viewing and smoking public. The solution they came up with was to appear to fall on their own swords. To offer, supposedly in the interests of the health of the American people to stop advertising their product on television.

Of course the sole reason for this self imposed ban had nothing to do with ‘doing the right thing’ or any sense of morality, it was simply the only way they could remove the damaging anti smoking advertisements from America’s TV screens. The tidal wave of death from alcoholism has yet to hit us, but make no mistake about it. Exactly as the Titanic was going to hit that iceberg no matter what she did, the rate at which we are consuming alcohol means within a decade we are going see an epidemic of liver disease, alcohol related cancers and pancreatic failure.

Today our supermarkets are bulging at the seams with brand after brand of attractively packaged poison. The manufacturers are relentless in finding more and more substances to hide their drug in. Don’t like the bitter taste of beer, no problem have wine. Don’t like the acidic taste of wine, no problem have a fruity Alco pop, don’t like the sweet taste of Alcopops, no problem have a crème based liquor.

Every taste is catered for there is no escape. Sweet palettes and savory preferences are all covered; there is no excuse not to drink. This is all before the marketing machine for each individual drinks brand ever rolls out a single advertisement.

Deal with alcohol addiction today… let me show you how to stop drinking without willpower or cravings!

Craig Beck
Stop Drinking Expert – See more at:


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