Alcohol Addiction Treatment Centers ǀ | CALL today (866) 806-9150

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Alcohol Addiction Treatment Centers ǀ Good Future Teen Rehab ǀ | CALL today (866) 806-9150

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Alcohol Addiction
How prevalent is alcohol abuse?
Alcohol is the number one abused substance by teenagers in the United States. It’s prevalence in this age group is quite staggering. According to the National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse – Columbia University, “underage drinkers account for 11.4% of all the alcohol consumed in the United States.”

Some studies done by NIAAA (National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism) have shown the following:

Prevalence in 8th graders:

51.7% have tried alcohol
43.1% have had an alcoholic drink in the past year
25.1% have been drunk
15.2% have had 1 or more binge drinking episodes
Prevalence in 10th graders:

70.6% have tried alcohol
63.7% have had an alcoholic drink in the past year
48.9% have been drunk
25.6% have had 1 or more binge drinking episodes
1.9% have been daily drinking for at least 1 month at some point in their lives
Prevalence in 12th graders:

80% have tried alcohol
73.8% have had an alcoholic drink in the past year
62.3% have been drunk
30.8% binge drank in the past 2 weeks
3.6% use alcohol daily
From these statistics, you can see how widely abused alcohol really is. Alcohol problems can start at such an early age. For this reason, it is so important to educate our teens early on. Alcohol abuse prevention needs to begin before it can become an issue in their lives.

How does early onset alcohol abuse impact your teens future?
Alcohol abuse can have a lasting impact on your teenager for the rest of their lives. According to a study done by The National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH), “Persons reporting first use of alcohol before age 15 were more than 5 times as likely to report past year alcohol dependence or abuse than persons who first used alcohol at age 21 or older”.(2)

This study also showed that “Only 3 percent of persons who first used alcohol at age 21 or older were classified as having past year alcohol dependence or abuse”. This goes to show that keeping your teen away from alcohol until after the legal age limit can have a significant impact on their future alcohol use.

Looking for Alcohol Rehab Center in Florida?
Good Future Teen Rehab Center, is the ideal drug addiction rehab program for struggling adolescents. Good Future Teen Rehab is located in the beautiful community of Delray Beach, Florida and is home to teenagers from around the country.
We take a different approach, as we believe the therapy process begins by being safe, stable, supportive in a consistent environment. Our facility provides an inspiring and restorative setting that helps with making real life changes. Teenagers are faced with multiple developmental changes that are confusing, stressful and dangerous.
Our therapeutic services are an intensive, one to one, short-term mental health treatment designed for youth up to age 21 with serious emotion problems who are engaging in specific behaviors that endanger their safety, or place them at risk for moving to a higher level of care in a group home facility.
Good Future Teen Rehab is dedicated in its effort provide a new beginning for your child, you and your family. our highly credentialed, competent and dedicated staff will work diligently to eradicate this life threatening disease.

Good Future Teen Rehab
2230 West Atlantic Ave Delray Beach, Fl 33445
(866) 806-9150
Alcohol Treatment Centers
Teen Rehab Centers
Drug Rehab Centers
Alcohol Rehab Centers
Drug Addiction Rehab
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