Alcoholism 1 to 1 Help and Support from Pip – Taking bookings now!

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Hi guys so Pip has decided to work full time on help with alcohol addiction YouTube channel and also the Website We have now opened his diary to let you guys book some time with Pip to see how he can help you on your quest to stop drinking alcohol. Client sessions will be done via webcam through an app called zoom. Simply just download the app to your phone or add the extension to google desktop etc. Then he can chat with you through the zoom platform. Very solid, very reliable webcam service.

➜ Book your 1 to 1 Alcoholism help session via webcam –

1 to 1 Alcoholism help session with Pip via webcam. This will be on a first come first served basis and the session will be run by Pip and will be in the strictest confidence. Pip has limited time slots available, as he only has so much time he can dedicate to this, in the first month. Each session will be no shorter than 1 hour 15 mins.

If this is successful we will be opening up more time to dedicate to the 1 to 1 sessions. We believe this is one of the best ways he can help you, as this gives him time to get to understand you, and see you are going through with your alcoholism.

Please note that these alcohol help sessions will be about you and your alcoholism and how we can help, he will share his experiences with you, no problem. But please respect his privacy and personal life outside of β€œhelp with alcohol addiction”.

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When you fill out the application form please let me know a bit about yourself, as I want to give you the best experience possible. Please let Me know what you expect to get from this session. Or if you just need to ask me for some advice, no problem this is for you! Trust me nothing shocks me anymore!!

We are also soon, to be opening a patreon page that will be accompanying the website and the YouTube channel. This patreon will be purposely for raising money for the editing and maintenance of the YouTube Channel,also the video recording process of the channel. New cameras, lights, new studio space etc.

Help with alcohol addiction will be running on a full time basis now and is here to help and support you people out there. Get in touch and see how we can help. If you would like to donate directly to the channel then please go here. ➜


➜ Book your 1 to 1 Alcoholism help session via webcam –
If you want to donate directly to the channel then please go here.

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