#Alcoholism #addiction #mentalhealth #anxiety #depression #suicide

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STOP before you START.

I’ve recently noticed that I’ve been drinking 4 times as much as I was drinking a month ago!

💊 Drugs & alcohol are often used as a way to self-medicate, therefore I’ve decided to go back on anti-depressants and anti-anxiety medication for a month or so, in order to try to straighten myself out and nip my excessive drinking in the bud before it becomes a problem.

In the UK it is recommended that you don’t drink more than 14 units per week, that’s akin to 7 pints per week, or approx 6 glasses of wine per week.

Alcohol Unit Calculator:

⭕ Alcohol Dependency Screening Questions:

▪️Jot down the number next to the answer that best represents your drinking habits.

🔸How often do you have a drink containing alco-
(0) Never
(1) Monthly or less
(2) 2 to 4 times a month
(3) 2 to 3 times a week
(4) 4 or more times a week

🔸How many drinks containing alcohol do you have
on a typical day when you are drinking?
(0) 1 or 2
(1) 3 or 4
(2) 5 or 6
(3) 7, 8, or 9
(4) 10 or more

🔸How often do you have six or more drinks on one
(0) Never
(1) Less than monthly
(2) Monthly
(3) Weekly
(4) Daily or almost daily

🔸How often during the last year have you found
that you were not able to stop drinking once you
had started?
(0) Never
(1) Less than monthly
(2) Monthly
(3) Weekly
(4) Daily or almost daily

🔸How often during the last year have you failed to
do what was normally expected from you
because of drinking?
(0) Never
(1) Less than monthly
(2) Monthly
(3) Weekly
(4) Daily or almost daily

🔸How often during the last year have you needed
a first drink in the morning to get yourself going
after a heavy drinking session?
(0) Never
(1) Less than monthly
(2) Monthly
(3) Weekly
(4) Daily or almost daily

🔸How often during the last year have you had a
feeling of guilt or remorse after drinking?
(0) Never
(1) Less than monthly
(2) Monthly
(3) Weekly
(4) Daily or almost daily

🔸How often during the last year have you been
unable to remember what happened the night
before because you had been drinking?
(0) Never
(1) Less than monthly
(2) Monthly
(3) Weekly
(4) Daily or almost daily

🔸Have you or someone else been injured as a
result of your drinking?
(0) No
(2) Yes, but not in the last year
(4) Yes, during the last year

🔸Has a relative or friend or a doctor or another
health worker been concerned about your drink-
ing or suggested you cut down?
(0) No
(2) Yes, but not in the last year
(4) Yes, during the last year

▪️Now add all the numbers together to find your total.

⭕ Scoring:

🔹0 to 7 indicates low risk
🔹8 to 15 indicates increasing risk
🔹16 to 19 indicates higher risk,
🔹20 or more indicates possible dependence

NHS – Alcohol Misuse #help :

…because you’re worth it…

#mentalhealthawareness #alcoholism #addiction #drugs #medication #anxiety #depression #PTSD #OCD #suicide #ADHD #Schizophrenia #suicideprevention #stress #anger #mentalhealth #panicattacks #panicdisorder #mindfulness #selfhelp #shame #guilt #grief #bipolar #resentment #anger #CBT #BDP #DID #MPD #SAD #debt #fear


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