Alcoholism amongst professing Christians & local churches, when our sanctuaries are no longer safe

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This teaching is on Ephesians 5:18. From one dumb stupid sheep, to other not so dumb sheep. 🙂 For my topical study on alcohol, click here

For my blog post on ‘The truth about the word “drunkard” in 1 Timothy 3:3 (in ESV) – what it means to be “given to wine” – and how many Elders have disqualified themselves’ click here

“Consider the tyranny of it. This inordinate lusting, it doth never rest satisfied; serve it once, it will call again and again; and if it be not followed to the end, resteth as much displeased as if it had at the first been denied, yea, it giveth no rest to the thought; but when the mind would be sequestered for other purpose, then will these matters be running in it, a bondage worse than the Egyptian… When the cup is in thy hand, fear lest the wrath of God go with it, as it is said, ‘while the meat was in their mouths, the wrath of God came upon them.” – Paul Baynes the “Radical Puritan.”


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