Am I drinking too much

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Do You Drink too Much?

Do you know when you’ve had too much to drink? Do you honestly believe that you are only a sociable drinker just like everyone else? Drinking can be a way to be sociable and enjoy friends and family. As a matter of fact, many celebrations include alcohol. So it does not matter if it is a birthday party, a wedding, a frat party, Mardi Gras, or a family holiday, there is probably going to be a lot of alcohol around. But you have to know when you’ve had too much to drink.

Set a limit for yourself and stick with it. Exactly how much is too much? For women, it is said to be about four drinks. For men, it is believed to be anything over five drinks. Although you might not be a fully-fledged alcoholic if you drink more, you may be well on your way to becoming one. The next time that you have the urge to drink too much, consider the following things first.

If drinking starts to paralyze your everyday life, you might be drinking too much.

How many times have you had to cancel appointments or go into work late because of a hangover? Occasional hangovers that occur because of your sister’s wedding or your best friend’s bachelor party are somewhat understandable. But when you start to have a couple of hangovers every weekend, then there is a problem.

If you can’t control your liquor, you might be drinking too much.

This does not mean that you drink every single day. In fact, you may only drink once a week, but when you drink, you cannot control your liquor. You have a pattern of drinking too much at one time and losing control. Maybe you see drinking as a way to have a good time and think that everyone is supposed to get sloppy drunk. So, you may just need an attitude adjustment when it comes to drinking. Understand that you don’t have to drink until you can’t stand up anymore. Set a limit and stick to it.

If your friends and family are worried about your drinking habit, then you might be drinking too much.

Others can see what you may not be able to see on your own. If you need help, then allow friends and family to help you establish a limit and stick with it. A friend will let you know that you’ve reached your limit in a subtle manner. However, if you ignore that friend he may need to cause a little embarrassment to get you to stop at your limit. However, it is best to get things under control before it moves on to more dangerous level.

If your whole life revolves around alcohol, then you may be drinking too much.

You have to have a drink with lunch, dinner and maybe a nightcap. On the weekends you go through the same routine, but drink even more if there are parties, celebrations or family outings. Even if you don’t go out on the weekend, you still manage to drink a whole six pack of beer or bottle of wine over the weekend by yourself. Alcohol is the thing that you turn to whenever you are stressed, happy or sad. Change this behavior.

If your friends or family don’t want to drink with you, then you may be drinking too much.

Everyone wants to be the life of the party, but when it gets to the point that your behavior is over the top or embarrassing to your friends and family, then it is time to cut back on the alcohol. No one wants to be around someone who is constantly falling down drunk, loud and obnoxious or promiscuous after a few drinks.

This person is no longer the life of the party. He becomes a burden to everyone that is around. So, if friends and family turn down opportunities to socialize with you, then it may be because you are drinking too much.

All in all, come to the realization that you might have a drinking problem. The trick is to know when you’ve had too much to drink, and know how to put the glass down. It may be hard to do, but hopefully you will recognize the signs and can make the appropriate changes.


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