I love the clink & the chink and the scent
of the stink of it on a girl’s breath
and the draw, the lure of the mixing a drink of it
bottles of thick creamy stout
sting of a tall German Krout bottle with a kick
hit with a stick
tart sharp as a knife or a
whore’s knicker kiss –
I love alcohol
the thirst of a long cool glass of it
short gaelic cough of a barman’s nip
a medicinal one, one for the road &
the favourite of all the hair of the dog
its a prairie fire its a blind doggies chance
its in over your head its over in a trance
its the smell of the lure that’s the draw of the cure
its divine
its what makes things going to turn out fine.
Just a half? Don’t make me laugh.
Its a hit and I love it.
I love alcohol.
Andrew Fincham
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