Are You an Alcoholic? – Alcoholism- Addiction – Alcohol Abuse

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Am I an Alcoholic or Addict- Daily Recovery- 12-16-18—-
94 Days Sober!

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Are you an alcoholic? I didnt think so but later learned I became an alcoholic.
Todays Discussion is about the very simple question of am I an alcoholic or an addict. If you woke up this morning curious about addiction, your use amount, your drinking amount or just generally curious about what its like to be an alcoholic then maybe you should watch.

No one can tell you no matter how much or little you drink or use whether or not you are an alcoholic and should stop. You need to decide for yourself based on if you want to be sober or not. Alcoholism and alcohol abuse did sneak up on me and while my alcohol consumption may have been under control at one point it eventually got out of hand. I started off only drinking socially some shots or beers then it graduated into chasing vodka with whiskey and chasing whiskey with wine. My addiction became more. More alcohol, more vodka, more whiskey until I became so reliant on it simple things in life began to require alcohol to do.

Sp are you an alcoholic or suffer from addiction and abuse currently? Maybe not, but it could eventually become a problem and I would always advise and encourage someone to put an end to it before it gets out of hand like it did for me.

Pat yourself on the back and celebrate your concern and good luck with trying to achieve and maintain sobriety. Stay Sober and Keep Moving Forward.


This channel was designed to follow my journey after I discovered how to stop drinking and successfully stay sober each day. Since then I have learned the value of community as I reach out to help and reach out for help and encourage others quit drinking and stop drug use. After coming out of rehab many guys from the rehabilitation center have already relapsed but yet immediately jumped back on the sober life. We encourage each other and continue to try and spread the message and help others figure out how to stop drinking and stop alcohol abuse and chemical dependence. Other guys have been helping by sharing their own stories of experience strength and hope and how their life after addiction has changed them. Some are overcoming legal and health problems. The simple point is that if we do not do what we can to make an impact and try to stop drinking and slow down addiction than it will continue to lead to arrests and deaths. The opiate, opioid, heroin and other drug epidemics are claiming lives both of the addicts themselves and the destruction of those around them. I am glad that I learned how to stop alcohol abuse and hopefully will continue to stay sober and live a happy and healthy life in sobriety. My friends and are are very passionate about heloing others so that they do not have to go down the same roads as we have in our addictions and abuse. Welcome to daily recovery.


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