Being complacent with your Alcoholism | Morning thoughts 004

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Being complacent with your alcoholism and before you know it your life is a mess and your back into your alcoholic ways. Getting complacent with alcohol when you get paid or receive money. This was hard for me for some time, as i associate money with alcohol in some respects. Alcoholism can bring down the best of people so please do not leave yourself open to being a complacent hopeless alcoholic.

Alcoholism and complacency go hand in hand and should never be looked over on your road to recovery. Getting complacent with an alcoholic helps them get complacent and the spiral continues. You have to rise above the thoughts in your head telling you to go and have a drink as you have just been paid. That was were i would always get complacent with drinking alcohol.

So for armed is better than having no defence. Understand that you to can fall fowl to the temptation of complacency or use it as an excuse. It wasn’t my fault i got complacent with the alcohol.

Look which ever way you slice it!!!!

You are i charge of your own recovery. Make it that way and take control and never be complacent. Do no get caught out being complacent


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