Dating someone in recovery alcoholism

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One problem: he admitted to having an alcohol problem. I can say this much: When you date someone, you date all of them. But after a few months, you end up seeing other sides of each other. That is true of all relationships. Unfortunately, as with many addictions, not all recovery attempts have a happy ending attached. I am fortunate to say that I have never battled with an alcohol addiction, but I have to imagine that truly addressing that issue is very emotionally, psychologically and mentally intense. It just seems that he would be better off figuring out his own issues first before he starts a new relationship. All-to-often a new relationship can be used to delay or cover-up dealing with our problems. Even if you support him, he can easily relapse because he knows your there to help him up. He needs to have the courage, conviction and determination to recover on his own. We moved I together after dating 2 years, he went from the wonderful man I fell in love with to Dr Jekyle and MrHyde, OMG, I had no idea what was happening, I was so naive. He hid it pretty well. Time went on and it got ugly finally I moved out I had evough. He was in denial. There is a website called coping with alcoloics, alcolohol friends its a live forum, I would strongly recommend checking it out. I consider it more dangerous than marijuana due to the bad effects it has on all levels of society. Which makes it harder for a lot of people to quit for good. December 3, 2012, 7:51 pm I would steer clear of dating this guy. Oh, and do expect him to say all the right things that your ears want to hear. Actions DO speak louder than words and you will see through his everyday living if he is going to be sober or not. It usually takes at least 2 years for a recovering alcoholic to be healthy enough to even consider a real relationship. These are the ones who tend to succeed longterm. You need to know what you may be getting into, even on a friendship level, in order to make the decision that works best for your life. December 3, 2012, 8:05 pm.


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