Do I have a drinking problem?

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Many people drink alcoholic beverages with their meals or on occasion. However, other people drink alcoholic beverages in excess. Using alcohol in excess often leads to negative circumstances such as problems at home with family, in the workplace, in finances and even with the law.

What Are The Risk Factors of a Drinking Problem?
Several risk factors lead to alcohol addiction and among those factors includes:
Family history of alcoholism.
Peer pressure among young adults.
Experiencing high levels of stress such as financial, work, family or other stress.
Low self-esteem.
Mental conditions such as schizophrenia, anxiety or depression.

Signs of Alcoholism
Alcoholism and alcohol abuse are different in that those who abuse alcohol can set limits on their drinking and alcoholics are unable to do so.
Some signs of alcoholism are:
A growing tolerance of alcoholic beverages where it takes more drinks to produce the same effect as before.
You have attempted to stop drinking but failed to do so.
You experience withdrawal symptoms such as sweating, anxiety, nausea, and shakiness.
You have continued to drink despite health problems associated with it.

Your interests and activities stop due to drinking
The first step in alcohol abuse recovery is admitting that you have a drinking problem. If you or a loved one experiences any of these sign seek help immediately by calling our Hotline.


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