Do you think you’re a REAL alcoholic or just a problem drinker?

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Do you think you’re a REAL alcoholic or just a problem drinker?
This all goes back to the belief that any alcohol drinking is normal. Some people love the tag alcoholic. They wear it as a badge of honor. They’d never admit it, but it’s true. They like playing the victim card, how their misery is much worse than yours, how their past story was filled with so much torment, and how you don’t know the meaning of suffering. I’ve heard this so many times in the comments to my videos, especially in YouTube. You’re not an alcoholic (Yes, I agree), you’re only a problem drinker, this is the general gist of the conversation. Then they go on to spout horror stories about how much they drank, what they did when they were drunk, how badly they treated other people and themselves. And they make sure that everyone knows that they were REAL alcoholics. And when you’re a REAL alcoholic, as this guy points out, mind over matter is of no use. He also says, we would have quit long ago if thinking yourself sober works. I’m sorry to tell you this, but thinking yourself sober is the only thing that works. How else are you going to do this? How else are you going to quit drinking? How else are you going to prevent yourself from picking up another glass of alcohol?There is no magic wand that you can wave over yourself which will instantly make the alcohol disappear from your life. There is no pill that will take away the craving for booze. There might be pills that create blocks to your drinking, but at what cost? Once you stop using the pills, you go straight back to the cravings. The side effects alone are not worth it. What about the long term damage? I’ll do a video on my opinion about these in the future.
You say that AA works for countless x-problem drinkers & Real alcoholics. That all depends on your perception of working. There’s no statistical data that says it works. If you mean it gives people a tool to not put any more alcohol in their mouths, then yes, for some people I’d say it does work. But to me, it seems like many people are replacing one addiction with another, attending meetings. Instead of relying on themselves to not put any more alcohol into their bodies, they rely on an outside source – the group, the sponsor, the higher power. I’ve seen people with AA addictions for life. So when you say, if it’s not broke, don’t fix it, again it depends on your perspective. Now, it’s a much healthier addiction, physically speaking than drinking alcohol, I’ll give it that. But I’m not sure how healthy it is mentally to be continually surrounding yourself with horror stories, broken people, and people keeping referring back to the alcohol, referring to themselves as alcoholics. I left alcohol behind me the moment I stopped. It took a while to deal with my alcohol lifestyle, which is the real problem by the way, but once I had changed how I thought about alcohol, I could change how I lived my life. There’s that mind over matter again by the way.
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