Get Serious to Detox ALL SIN AND ADDICTION Drugs Alcohol Porn Video Games TV ETC.

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Get Serious to Detox ALL SIN AND ADDICTION Drugs Alcohol Porn Video Games TV ETC.
You really have to be humble enough to detox yourself if you are going to follow Jesus. Many people SAY they can’t get sin out of their life but it’s because they are prideful, arrogant, and they LOVE THEIR SIN MORE than they love the TRUTH of Jesus Christ. They are too prideful to go admit themselves somewhere and detox alcohol. They are too addicted to pornography to get rid of their internet. They are too addicted to their phones to actually have a real relationship with their wife or husband whom they DON’T give adequate time to. Many people want to follow Jesus but in reality, they are addicted to the world. If you are serious to go with Jesus you need to humble yourself and DETOX. Don’t be ashamed to detox. Don’t be ashamed to GET HELP. Do whatever it takes to follow Jesus in holiness and cut out from your life ANY FRIENDS or ANYTHING that causes you to sin or stumble into sin. Are you serious to go with Jesus and get sin OUT of your life? Or do you love your sinful ways? May the grace of Jesus be with you.


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