Hangover Cure: Asian Pears Can Reduce Symptoms By 21%

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Guys we’ve finally got it. The hangover cure to end all hang over cures.
First, what you need to do is get hold of some Asian pears. Yes Asian Pears.
Second, you need to prep before you get tipsy. Scientists have discovered that drinking 220ml of Asian pear juice before a night out can decrease the amount of alcohol in your bloodstream, ward off memory loss, boost your concentration levels and reduce your sensitivity to light and sound.
Although Asian pears have long been a traditional hangover remedy in, well, Asia, scientists at CISRO, an Australian government agency for scientific research, put them to the test. They found that the severity of hangovers was up to 21% less for people in the group who had consumed Asian pear juice before consuming alcohol, compared to those who had been given a placebo drink.
The results were those of a preliminary scoping study and still need to be finalised. But frankly, any hope of a hangover cure is something we can get behind.


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