Inmune system falicitates alcohol addiction

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The immune system facilitates alcohol addiction
A research published today in Science Advances, led by Dr. Santiago Canals, from the Institute of Neurosciences UMH-CSIC in Alicante (Spain), presents a hitherto unknown mechanism of action of alcohol which may promote addiction through the interaction between the immune system and the brain
22/6/2020.- The activation of the immune system could eventually perpetuate some of the deleterious effects of alcohol, like addiction. It is the conclusion of a research carried out by an international team led by Dr. Santiago Canals, from the Institute of Neurosciences in Alicante (Spain), a joint center of the Spanish National Research Council and the University Miguel Hernández in Elche, and Dr. Wolfgang Sommer, from the Central Institute of Mental Health of the University of Heidelberg (Germany).
The researchers have observed that alcohol may increase its addictive capacity by changing the geometry of the brain, specifically the grey matter, as shown by this translational study carried out in rats and humans, published today in the journal Science Advances. “This is a totally new mechanism of addiction”, highlights Dr Santiago Canals, at the Institute of Neuroscience in Alicante (Spain).


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