Jeff Berwick, The Dollar Vigilante Finds Iboga/Ibogaine for Alcohol addiction at IbogaQuest – Part 1

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Continue to part two of this interview with Jeff Berwick at:

Jeff Berwick, The Dollar Vigilante – five months post-Iboga

“I think I continue to get rid of the problems that had me drinking so much. So much so that I did a test last week to see… I went out for dinner with a friend and had a drink at dinner and then went out with him afterwards and had another drink… before I was even done that drink I told him that I was going to call it a night… I had no interest in staying out and continuing to drink. This isn’t to say that I am going to start drinking again… I just wanted to see if my assumption was correct that I had resolved many of the issues I had before… I think I did… Since then we’ve had a few parties in our house (Mexico… birthdays every day… including one right now!) and I have no interest in drinking… so I think I have mostly kicked it. Which is awesome!”

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