Rocks (Official Music Video) – Addiction, Alcoholism, Awareness

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“Rocks” is a song about a daughter struggling to come to terms with her father’s addiction to alcohol. The video illustrates her turmoil while riding the emotional roller coaster of someone who is affected by a family member’s substance abuse. Starving for his attention, she follows him down this metaphorical path of life, only for him to leave her behind as he continually chooses alcohol over his daughter. Finally accepting his emotional unavailability, she chooses her own path and leaves him behind, eventually discovering that she can let go of the past and take control of her own life. As she matures, she learns to appreciate the lesson of the relationship and trusts that everything is going to be alright.

The purpose of the video is to raise awareness of the often hidden yet devastating disease of alcoholism and how profoundly it affects others. The intention is to give those affected by another person’s addiction a sense of hope and a feeling of togetherness in knowing that they are not alone. A sense of belonging is vital for well-being and happiness. The goal of the song is to encourage these individuals to let go and take control by creating a better life and learning from the actions of others rather than following the same path.


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