What is Alcoholic Wet Brain?
Today, I just want to do a quick video on wet brain.
What is alcoholic wet brain?
We often hear this being talked about in the forums and wherever there are people looking for information about how to quit drinking, or about alcoholism in general.
They want to know information about this so I’m going to do this video.
What is alcoholic wet brain?
They are basically a combination of two different disorders.
The first one is Wernicke’s encephalopathy and the second one is Korsakoff’s psychosis.
These two can occur together or separately.
They result from a deficiency of vitamin B1, Thiamine.
A lot of the time, people who drink a lot can be short on this.
The more alcohol you drink, the more your body will get to a stage where it can’t absorb the vitamin B1 so you can be deficient in that way.
The more alcohol you put into your body, the less likely you are to give a shit about your health, give a shit about what you’re putting into your mouth.
I’m speaking from experience here.
All the drinkers I’ve ever known who go out and get plastered, the last thing they think about is ‘’will I have to cook a healthy meal?’’
Maybe the next day or the day after when their hangovers wore off but not in the moment and certainly not while they’re drinking.
It’s always convenience over quality.
That’s where it comes from, basically.
The deficiency of vitamin B1.
Either you’re not getting it anymore into your diet or your body is not capable of absorbing Thiamine.
They call it alcoholic wet brain but in reality, you don’t have to be a drinker to get this.
It’s not exclusive for heavy drinkers.
People who are just not taking it enough in their diet can get this.
It’s a long-term condition but it happens very quickly.
This is a brain condition.
Once you get wet brain syndrome, regardless of what it’s caused by, it’s irreversible.
You can’t do anything about it. It’s part of what’s known as alcoholic dementia.
They reckon that between 10 and 24% of all dementias are caused by alcohol.
That’s another figure that is staggering, and yet we still don’t call this fucking thing a drug.
‘Oh no it’s just a beverage. It’s only if you keep drinking loads of it that you do any damage’, that’s what the experts say.
The experts are quick to point out that -if I say it’s a poison, it’s a toxin for your system, they’ll say ‘so is war! War is toxic for your system.
If you drink too much war, you can kill yourself’.
And you can as well.
But that’s not the fucking point.
I’ve tried this before, I’ve gone out with my friends when I stopped drinking.
I stopped drinking and I carried on going to the pub, and decided that all I was going to do all night was drink water.
Apart from the boredom factor – I was bored out of my brain by not drinking, by the belch that was coming out of my friends’ gobs when they were drunk-, that wasn’t very sensible to me, but I tried to stick it out.
But I couldn’t drink the water.
These lads were downing pint after pint, which is exactly what I did when I was still drinking, and I could maybe get through a pint of water for every 4 of their pints.
I just couldn’t get it down me. So, to say if you drink a lot of water, if you drink too much water then you can get poisoned by it, that’s true but you have to drink a lot of water and it’s very difficult to do that.
Water is a beverage.
Beer, wine, spirits, alcohol – that’s a drug.
The reason you can drink so much of this stuff is because a) it can act as a diuretic so it makes you want to piss more.
It turns off that survival mechanism inside your body to retain water as long as you can; and b) you need more of the drug as you go along.
So when you start drinking alcohol, you can only drink 2 or 3 pints, and it makes you vomit.
It makes the whole world go spinning around. Drink 3 pints of water and it makes you hydrated.
It’s something good for you.
Drink 3 pints of even weak beer when you’re not used to it, and it will make you sick, drunk and make you have the same symptoms as if you’re having a stroke.
Alcohol is a drug.
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