What makes alcohol addictive? [Telugu] – Cadabam’s Hospitals

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“Alcohol drinking is frequently done in a group setting. It gives them a high. Those sensations may become addicting, whether it’s the sense of fitting in, being the focus of attention, forgetting about their troubles for a bit, or simply numbing whatever pain you’re experiencing. The more you drink to feel these sensations, the greater your tolerance levels get. This sets off a vicious cycle in which you require more and more alcohol to get back to the level you’re used to.

If a person continues to drink extensively in order to attain a comfortable level, they will soon stop feeling “”normal”” without it. This is referred to be a psychological addiction since the act of consuming alcohol becomes routine for them, and they require it to feel good or like themselves. Physical addiction develops when a person is unable to quit drinking without experiencing alcohol withdrawal symptoms such as anxiety, shakiness, seizures, disorientation, and hallucinations.

Endorphins are released in two regions of the brain related to reward processing when you consume alcohol, according to research. People who were categorized as “”heavy”” drinkers had a larger release of these feel-good hormones, according to a study.

That is the same reason why alcohol is so addicting. Multiple parts of the brain are affected chemically. It also affects the person psychologically, making them unable to function without it. As previously stated, the increased tolerance makes the “”high”” induced by endorphin release and many psychological triggers more difficult to accomplish, and alcoholism is the result.

Also, check out Cadabam’s website and learn more about Alcoholism and its treatments: https://www.cadabamshospitals.com/alcoholism/
Alcoholism is a disorder that responds best to treatment from experienced specialists. Our programmes assist you or a loved one in recovering by utilizing the most effective therapeutic approaches available internationally.

Speaker: Dr. Rithika Alladi, Consultant Clinical Psychologist, Cadabam’s Hyderabad

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Is alcoholism genetic?: https://youtu.be/9F2efATTS0k
Is alcoholism a disease?: https://youtu.be/OlfPWsMJmR8
What is the treatment of alcohol dependence?: https://youtu.be/ti8ceOjwuFA
How to stop Alcohol Addiction?: https://youtu.be/P31WMasJ_j8
What are the risk factors of Alcoholism?: https://youtu.be/XJ0b6eKWIKE
What makes alcohol addictive?: https://youtu.be/Euy387ssYiw
Why is Rehab important for Alcohol Addiction?: https://youtu.be/aJ2sg4tVbek
How does Cadabam’s help treat Alcohol addiction?: https://youtu.be/9J2AFaAvf_4

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