Alcoholism: How Many Drinks Is Considered Alcohol Abuse?
Visit or call (877) 798-6220 for more information Alcohol is legal and readily available in the United States. This makes it a big addiction problem. Many people who enter an alcohol treatment program began sneaking drinks from their parents’ bar, and taking part in social drinking in high school and college. In the US drinking is considered socially acceptable, “”better than using drugs”” to many. But it is a drug, and according to medical experts such as Dr. Kevin Wandler, Founding Medical Director of The Recovery Village, it is generally the first drug that teenagers use. Dr. Wandler also explains in this video what makes women and men different in terms of actual numbers of drinks per sitting and per week. The statistics are surprisingly different, especially in how these numbers define “”alcohol abuse”” in men and women. Entering an alcohol treatment program at The Recovery Village means that clients will be helped through the withdrawal symptoms that they will experience as the alcohol level in their system drops, and then disappears. This isn’t comfortable, but it is necessary for the next steps of rehab to take place.
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